
Job Interview

I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. It was one of those mornings where you open your eyes and think “ok, I’m awake” but the next thing you know you’re eyes are closed. Even with the excitement of a pending new job. I was able to grudgingly get out of bed, promising myself I would get back in when I got home. I haven’t had a job interview in years, and I was not particularly excited about the uncomfortable attempts to impress my possible employer. I headed to the interview confident. I’ve always been able to impress people with my maturity (although that gets harder the older you get). The office is in a large building right off the highway, similar to the office building I worked at it in high school. It is simply and cleanly designed, with the elevator opening right onto the modern reception area. On either side of the reception desk, were two glass doors with security keypads off the right. Similarly, the adjoining walls each had a secured glass doors. Today all the doors were open revealing numerous employees, milling around on this casual Friday. I greeted the receptionist and sat down to wait patiently. Being perpetually early, I heard the receptionist tell my unseen interviewer that “her ten o’clock” was here. That made me wonder how many other interviews she had that day….

The interview was typical, I tried my best to give a firm handshake and maintain eye contact. There were two interviewers, one, a middle aged women named { }, the other, a 30 something women named { }. Both were friendly and slightly formal. This was just as well for me as I prefer the bureaucratic hiring process. Last time I got hired sight unseen over the phone my boss turned out to be a nightmare. I immediately found out it was for two different openings, both with the same title “temporary student help”, which is apparently the only job a 24 year old college graduate can be considered for, They both began perusing my cover letter and resume, which surprised me as I assumed they choose the interview candidates. I think however, that HR, narrowed down the applicants for them and set up the interviews. Each woman went over the specifics of the position in their respective departments. They seemed impressed with my resume and found me to be qualified for the position. We talked basics; hours: 40 hours a week, 8-4:30; vacations: Fourth of July, my niece’s birthday (Of course I forgot to ask about pay). I was informed there was one more interview scheduled that day and that a decision would be made by the end of the day. Now I sit anxiously waiting for my phone to ring. I know the office closes in 10 minutes and I assumed I would be informed today, after all, the job starts on Monday…

When I got home a rambled on about the interview to my sleep deprived husband and although I planned on lying in bed and reading. Olive was full of it, so I got her and myself ready and set off to run errands. I went to the bank and headed to McDonalds for one of my favorite treats, an unsweetened iced tea full of splenda. The parking lost was a clusterfuck and it took me almost 15 minutes but I got my drink and headed home. I always feel a little smug when I go to McDonalds and only get a drink. I try to avoid fastfood. Olive rooted around the patio while I read and had lunch, We went for a walk and I’ve attempted to entertain myself while I wait anxiously to hear if I got the job. I’ve been facebooking, texting and writing to keep my mind moving and to keep the anxious knots out of my stomach…