
Weekly Meal Plan

About every two weeks or so, I get a "menu" ready for the upcoming two weeks. I search the internet for recipes, checking what's in season, and compile my grocery list in a word document (yep, I actually type out my grocery list, although I don't print it anymore, I just use my handy dropbox ap on the ole' iphone) So, list in hand, we make our trip grocery shopping. When we get home I write down the list of meals on a dry erase board in the kitchen and we can choose which meal we want to make each day. There is always room for leftovers, the occasional take-out or maybe a trip to a restaurant. Here is this weeks menu:

Tuna and Green Bean Salad

Greek Pizza


Halibut in Artichoke and Tomato Broth

Spinach, Red Pepper Feta Quiche

Veggie Burgers with Sauteed Broccoli

Salmon Picatta