
Life List

I was looking through my posts and found this gem in drafts. I realized I hadn't posted it yet, probably because it's not finished, but I figured what the hell, why not post what I have so far. I'll try to update it next time I come up with something good.

Go to the top of the Eiffel Tour
Punch someone in the face
Save someone's life
Go on an African safari
Cook an entire Thanksgiving meal
Have babies
Have a custom kitchen
Become a midwife
Write a book
Grow my own vegetables
Run a 5K
Work from home
Go to Cinque Terra, Italy
Meet a celebrity
Renew my vows
Become fluent in Spanish
Ride in a hot air balloon
Drink tea in London, England
Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Go white water rafting
Go backpacking through Europe
Own a vacation home
Have a psychic reading
Camp in the Appalachians
Get drunk in Ireland
Kiss the Blarney Stone
Learn to Salsa dance
Go to the Opera
See the Northern Lights
Swim in the Atlantic
Stay at a bed and breakfast
Volunteer at a soup kitchen/food pantry
Indoor rock climbing
Snow Ski/Snowboard

Feel free to leave a comment, tweet or email with some other ideas...