
Memorial Day / Last Hurrah

My cousin Ross and his wife Mandy own this wonderful little place just over the border from Chicago in Berrien Springs, MI. It's a place we affectionately call the "River Garage" (there was meant to be a house, but since things don't always work it, there is a massive 7 car garage with 10 beds in the attic). Well, the time has come to bid farewell to the river garage. We've spent many long weekends here like this time and are sad to see it go, so the family got together for one last hurrah.

As usual Olive was in tow and she busied herself getting angry with the charcoal heater thing. There were 5 dogs this particular weekend; not uncommon.

My cousin's wife Mandy making some awesome hamburgers. Seriously though, this chick can cook. One year she whipped up some fried calamari and the next individual Cornish game hens (mind you, although there is a sink and stove, this is still a garage we're cooking in)

Mike spent a good hour+ making this bad boy. It blazed all night while we sat around, drank, ate s'mores and listened to the Blackhawks on the radio.

The next day, not too hungover, Ross got the brilliant idea to put this rope swing together. There was no way I would even climb the ladder, but Ross rocked it out. I'm sure there are pictures and videos on miscellaneous facebook pages.

While Ross busied himself with his rope swing, the rest of us got together and did this. With some sweet tubes with ties attached and a cinder block attached to a rope we managed to stay like this blissfully for a few hours.

Olive learned to swim this weekend, and Mike and I were very much the excited parents. But, after having to keep track of her on shore while we lazed away in the water, this seemed like an easier alternative.

That's all.

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