
Fresh Ink

Tattoos are common place in our family. Both my in-laws sport some ink, both of Mike's sisters too. Both my parents and my brothers and their wives, all have at least one tattoo. Because there are some many to choose from, this post is focusing on just some of the sweet tattoos that my oldest brother Eric and his wife Kate are displaying.

After years of determining what she really wanted Kate finally jumped in and started working on her sleeve. Here is what she's sporting so far.

All of these tattoos have a significant meaning for Kate.

All the above photos and tattoos by Brian Massey at Lucky Monkey Tattoo in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Kate also has this star "necklace" which I love.

My brother Eric has been rocking the tattoos before anyone else in our family. Although he has more than I have shown here, these are some of the more recent ones.

Sacred Heart

Our Grandpa's Fireman's Badge

"A broken heart for my best friend. We played lots of poker together. I miss him every day. A diamond for my wife, someone cool enough to let me not wear a ring, supports a wedding tattoo and got one herself."

Oh, there are so many more tattoos to share in our family alone including ladybugs, lettering, paw prints, baby feet, stars and, can't forget; the four horseman of the Apocalypse.

Tell me about your ink! Leave a comment below with your tattoo details.

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