
Fabric Gift Wrap

Although for Christmas this year, we went all out with kraft paper wrapping and homemade tissue paper flowers, I recently found, and love the beauty, simplicity, functionality and all around eco friendlyness of furoshiki. According to furoshiki.com,

"Furoshiki is a type of traditional Japanese wrapping cloth that was frequently used to transport clothes, gifts, or other goods. Although possibly dating back as far as the Nara period, the name, meaning "bath spread", derives from the Edo period practice of using them to bundle clothes while at the sento (public baths). Before becoming associated with public baths, furoshiki was known as hiradzutsumi, or flat folded bundle. Eventually, the furoshiki's usage extended to serve as a means for merchants to transport their wares or to protect and decorate a gift."
Images via Chewing the Cud

Persimmon & Pine via Poppytalk
Image via Gyroglyph
 I love this how to which shows you how to wrap anything from wine bottles to books. Although I love the beautiful designer fabrics, I'm thinking I'd like to buy some cotton fabric and make my own furoshiki.