
Summer Vacation

Mike, my brother A.J., his wife Kristin and I spent a week long vacation relaxing and enjoying Michigan's west coast while staying at our family cabin. We got our groceries for the week at a local farm stand and meat market, and we were set. It rained a few days, and we were left without power on the last day, but we had a wonderful time. We went hiking through the Allegan State Forest, where the trail was overgrown and the mosquitoes were ravenous, but we made it to our favorite spot (nice pic A.J.).

We spent part of everyday on the pontoon boat reading, fishing, drinking and laughing.

I was the only one not to catch a fish. Granted, I didn't try very hard.

One night we went to a local winery where, although we weren't able to do the vineyard tour, we tasted 5 wines of our choice, and left with a total of 10. After the tasting we stopped into an amazing Mexican restaurant and headed back into town for ice cream.

We spent our last day at the beach in South Haven. There is one tiny patch of beach along the coast where it is acceptable to bring your pooch. Olive, although a bit intimidated by the waves, was ready to play once her ball was involved. We spent the rest of the afternoon meandering through local shops before ducking home early due to an incoming storm.

The best thing about our trip was that we were able to do a multitude of different things while spending very little money. Although the weather kept us from doing some of the things we wanted to do, we can always go to the cabin for a long weekend and head to any local hotspots we missed.

How about you? Any summer vacation plans in the works? Leave a comment below and let me know about upcoming summer vacations.

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