

You may have noticed a new innocuous looking link in the "check me out" section for "Pinterest". 
What is Pinterest? Well apart from my new obsession;

"Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste.
People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things -- wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it".

Since I started pinning a few months ago, I've gotten so many amazing ideas for decor, recipes, style, baby gear, inspiration, you name it. It's just a great place to store ideas in a visual, inspiring way, without using up your hard drive or cluttering your bookmarks. Pictures from around the web can be pinned with the pinmarklet (a link installed in your bookmarks toolbar), or you can simply repin the images already pinned by other uses by perusing Pinterest. 

Below is my "decor" pin board, which gives a pretty clear picture of my style "woods, white tones, grays, silvers, natural element, etc." It's so nice to see everything laid out and accessible; by clicking on any image, image will open up on a new page with a link to where it is from. Genius! 

So feel free to head over to Pinterest and peruse my boards (I have 14 - from gardening to party inspiration). Or sign up yourself. You have to "apply" and you'll get an invite in a few weeks. Totally worth the wait. Happy Pinning!