
Container Gardening - Part II

I mentioned in this post how excited I was to plant my container garden. Well, finally, after two months of talking about and too many busy weekends to do it, I've planted my little garden (with help from Mike). It's nothing compared to the spectacular home gardens cultivated by my friends and family, but it's my own little home grown farmer's market, so I'm excited nonetheless.

To start out, Mike and I headed to Lowe's and grabbed two of these babies. This is the same soil that's in my compost bin.

We also grabbed three of these large neutral planters to make a nice symmetrical little garden on the corner of our little patio.

Although I originally intended to grow:

  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Lettuce (such as Black Seeded Simpson)
  • Green Onion
  • Chive
  • Flat Leaf Parsley
  • Basil
The availability at the store and Mike's general enthusiasm, led us to choose:

  • Cucumbers
  • Serrano Peppers
  • Yellow Squash
  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • There were no lettuce plants,
  • We forgot to grab the cilantro
  • There was a green pepper plant in the tomato crate
So, we'll have to head back to the store and grab the cilantro and tomatoes, and we planted the green pepper anyway. All the plants we chose were Bonnie Plants of the "plant the pot" variety, which makes it quick and easy to plant.

(Click the picture for a closer look)

So here's my little garden, isn't it cute? Mike joked that the squash plant will probably only produce one little squash, but it will be the best squash ever.

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