
30 Days of Vegan

Wait! Don't be deterred by the title. Just as we did a summer cleanse, it's time for another round of detox. With holiday overeating and an all over the place schedule, our eating has not been the best, and I'm starting to feel it on my ass. Don't worry though, it's not as if we'll be stuck eating lettuce and carrot sticks, in fact I found some
delicious looking meals around the web.

Whole-Wheat Spaghetti with Spinach in a Lemon, Basil Sauce

Portobello Burgers

Stir Fry

Wrap with Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Sprouts and Avocado Spread


A Little Breather

Mike doesn't get weekends off like the rest of the world, so we sneak out on weekday evenings for little dates here and there. This particular day consisted of non stop work on a nursing care plan (something I'm told nurses never use). So I got dolled up and headed to a delicious make your own stir fry restaurant. It was a nice little breather at the end of the day.

I'll save you from the gratuitous food shots and just share a pic of the most delicious pear lemonade.

P.S. I finally feel like I'm in nursing school with 5 am wake up calls and long days of studying and reading out of the biggest books you've ever seen. So, if things slow down a little here, don't fret, I'm still here...



I'm really dragging today. Although I was able to sleep in past my 5 am clinical wake up call, my body has not adjusted to so little sleep. But since it's cold and blustery, I don't mind spending time inside trying to play catch up on housework and homework. So, here's some links to help you get through your Monday.

This beautiful loft studio. I'm obsessed with that gray kitchen with farmhouse sink! via Design Sponge

Fun uses for cupcake liners. via Hip Hip Hooray

These adorable french slippers. Via A Cup of Jo

Everything from LetterboxCo.


A Few of my Favorite Things

Here are some lovely little things I'm loving right now.

Dansko staple clog - The most comfortable nursing shoes ever

Tea Forte tea bags - aesthetically pleasing and delicious, I especially love the white ginger pear

Kashi Oatmeal dark chocolate cookies - Amazing
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What are you loving right now?


Modern Family Trees

Aren't these modern family trees a fun new take on the old classic? These would be lovely in a babies room.


California Dreaming

During one my few short breaks from nursing school, Mike and I are planning a trip to San Francisco Don't worry I won't buy a hybrid and pass out awareness citations (South Park Reference). We're so excited to visit all the beautiful places around San Francisco and try to immerse ourselves in West Coast culture. The trip is in the early stages of planning so nothing has been determined but here are some places I'm dreaming about.

Of course, the Golden Gate Bridge

Muir Woods - home of some of the California coastal redwoods

Sausalito - a dreamy little coastal town across the Golden Gate bridge

Napa Valley - wine making and tours

Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market - for a wide variety of local, organic and artisanal foods. Right up my alley.

Anyone have some recommendations for must visit places in San Francisco?
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2011 Calendar

Although Mike and I both rock our gmail/iPhone calendars for everyday use, it's nice to have a hard copy in easy reach when we're trying to figure out dates. I knew I wanted to make my own calendar this year and then I remembered this post of yore over at Young House Love. Although I didn't use their free template directly, I copied the style and created my own version in publisher.

After I created the template I ran to the store for some cardstock and this bad ass little paper cutter.


I hung the calendar on the fridge using two heavy weight magnets

So there it is, our sweet new personalized calendar

Anyone else foray into making a calendar, or any other fun crafts?


Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

Mike has been feeling under the weather the past couple of days. He's not the one for being taken care of (that's me, thank you) so I've been trying to help make him feel better in small ways. You know I'm into things all-natural, so I've been trying some natural aids to help mike's cold/flu (?) go away quicker. Here's a list of some tried and true and some new and interesting natural treatments. 

1. Vitamin C
A medium orange contains 70 mgs of Vitamin C. Although clinical evidence is mixed, my personal experience has shown Vitamin C at the earliest signs of cold/flu symptoms has eliminated symptoms or shortened duration of the illness.

2. Honey

Warm water or tea with honey helps soothe a sore throat and some studies suggest that 2 teaspoons of honey before bedtime is as effective as OTC cough medicines in children - Mayo Clinic

3. Chicken Soup
Chicken soup: 1. Acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the movement of neutrophils — immune system cells that participate in the body's inflammatory response and 2. Temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus, possibly helping relieve congestion and limiting the amount of time viruses are in contact with the nose lining - MayoClinic

4. Humidifiers

Cold viruses thrive in dry conditions, so a humidifier adds moisture to the air and soothes dry nasal passages - MayoClinic 

5. Neti Pot
Although @SarahJensen referred to Neti potting as "waterboarding for hippies" it actually works really well to clear out excess mucous.

Some new and interesting treatments I'm interested in trying are elderberry syrup, and garlic

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*Disclaimer: This is from my own personal research and experience and is by no way a substitute for medical advice*


Meal Plan

Back with the first meal plan of the year. After weeks of holiday fare it was time for a lighter, simpler menu. We are also eating vegetarian again. Ahh, I know, I waffle with this but after eating strictly vegetarian (well, pescatarian) for the first 6 months in 2010 and eating meat occasionally the remaining 6 months, it's not hard to go back. So I compiled some new recipes to try as well as some old favorites.

 Baked Spring Rolls with Miso Soup


Burrito Bowls


Eggs and Hashbrowns

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New Years Resolutions

I know we're already a few days into the new year but I felt it was necessary to proclaim my resolutions.

Be more independent
Get up earlier (a little)
Spend more time outside
Floss regularly
Exercise more
Enjoy the journey instead of anticipating the destination


2010: Year in Review

Our 2nd wedding anniversary, completed my nursing school prereqs, started eating vegetarian

My brother A.J. married his wife Kristin, Turned 25 with the worst hangover of my life

Learned to crochet, Learned to make sushi

Celebrated 9 years (total) with my husband, Got a Monroe piercing, Easter fun

Planted my first garden, Said goodbye to the River Garage

Vacationed in Michigan, Made a life changing decision

Camped in upstate Michigan

Left my job, Started nursing school

Learned to preserve fruits and vegetables

Finished decorating the living room, Halloween fun

Thanksgiving at home

Started hospital clinicals, Completed my first semester of nursing school, Spent Christmas and New Years in Michigan